Family Information

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Centre Policies & Family Information

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to do before my child attends?

    • You need to sign into your Centrelink online account through MyGov. Select the ‘Complete your Child Care Subsidy’ assessment task. Work through the steps to give Centrelink new information and confirm your current details. For more information, please visit here.
    • Obtain a copy of your child’s immunisation history statement. This must be provided before your child begins. Learn more here
    • Bring your child’s birth certificate to the centre so we are able to make a copy for your child’s file. 
    • Complete the provided enrolment form and attached forms.
    • Bring any applicable court orders to the centre. 
    • Bring any medications/plans that may be required. 
  • What do I need to bring each day?

    All children need at least two changes of clothes. Please also bring a jacket/jumper in the cooler months. If your child requires a bottle/s and formula you will need to bring this in; we do however supply cow’s milk.  If your child has any comforters, blankies, dummies, etc., please supply these. We encourage children to use these at rest/sleep time only. However, if your child is upset, these will be offered to them. Please bring in a hat for your child each day. 

    The Dapto and Haywards Bay services provide nappies. 

    Please remember to LABEL EVERYTHING.

  • How do I pay fees?

    To ensure your child’s position is secure, fees MUST be paid two weeks in advance. This can be paid through direct debit or EFTPOS. 

  • If my child is sick or we go on holidays, can I make up the day?

  • Who can pick up my child?

    The enrolment form has a section that you are able to write all emergency contacts on. Please add anyone you think may need to pick up your child as your child will not be released to any person that is not on this list. When a new person is picking up your child for the first time, we will need to sight their license to identify them as an emergency contact. People can be added to this list at any time by completing a notification of change form and supplying it to the Nominated Supervisor. Please supply any court orders or relative paper work. 

  • What if my child needs medication?

    If your child has a pre-existing condition such as anaphylaxis or asthma, then appropriate plans will need to be supplied and a risk minimisation plan will be created in consultation with the Nominated Supervisor. If your child needs medication such as antibiotics, a short-term medication form needs to be filled out for each day your child requires this medication. ALL medication that is given to your child MUST clearly state your child’s name and date medication was prescribed. We are unable to administer any medication that is not prescribed by a doctor. Please do not leave any medication in your child’s bag.

  • Hours of operation

    The centres operate Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays.

    Grandma Rosie’s Child Care Centre – Primbee 7am – 6pm.

    Grandma Rosie’s Child Care Centre – Wollongong 7am – 6pm.

    Grandma Rosie’s Child Care Centre – Dapto         6.30am – 6pm.

    Grandma Rosie’s Child Care Centre – Haywards Bay  6.30am-6.30pm 

    Children are not to be left any hours outside of these. If you are late to collect your child, a full day’s fee will be charged. 

  • What if my child has a special dietary requirement?

    We are able to cater for any dietary requirement your child has. Please discuss this before your child’s first day.

  • What if my child is unwell?

    Please keep your child at home if they are unwell as illnesses can quickly spread in a childcare environment. You will be asked to sign a health and medication policy before your child begins with more detailed information—please read through this carefully. If your child vomits, has a temperature above 38 degrees or has two loose stools while under our care, we will call you to come and collect them. The child is then unable to return to the centre until 24 hours after their last loose stool or from vomiting. For more information regarding this, please see the Parent Information Handbook. 

  • Are all meals provided?

    Yes, all meals are provided to your child and are prepared on the premises. Please see our rotated weekly menus that are located in the centre. We have an allocated time in the morning when breakfast is provided if required. Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a light snack in the late afternoon are provided. Babies/children that are sleeping when one of these meals is served will be offered it upon waking.

  • Can you apply nappy rash creams on my child?

    We only use paw-paw cream at nappy changes. Please see the staff if you do not want this product used on your child. If your child requires other barrier creams (e.g., sudocream), it needs to be labelled by a pharmacist or a doctor.

  • Is there a school readiness program in the preschool room?

    Please see your child’s teacher or the Parent Information Handbook for further information and refer to the attached information sheet regarding the Early Years Learning Framework. The Preschool Room School Readiness Program is included in your enrolment package. Transition to school information will be provided the year before your child attends school. 

  • What are the staff qualifications?

    The centre employs a range of multi-skilled staff reflecting the childcare industry. This includes early childhood teachers, diploma trained, certificate three trained and trainees. Child to staff ratios are maintained at all times. 

  • What do I need to do if I want to change my child’s days or we no longer require care?

    A withdrawal form is available from the office; all changes will commence two weeks after this form is filled out.

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